Distance Learning

This page has been created for our students to use when they cannot log in to the mail system due to "Lack of Information". If you think there is an error in the information such as Name, Surname, Mobile Phone in our mail system, if you do not receive a password when you click the "Forgot My Password" button, you can apply to destek@ktun.edu.tr by filling out the following information. Please create only 1 request. Our page will not directly generate a new password for you. Your password will be updated within 1-3 business days and your e-mail will be returned. Fields that should be included in the e-mail you send to destek@ktun.edu.tr:

If you are having problems in the distance education system, you can apply by e-mail, by filling in the information below, to uzaktanogretim@ktun.edu.tr.

Student number

Name surname

Faculty, Vocational School, Department

Mobile phone number

Please fill in the information clearly, completely and stating that you request the reset of your password.