About Us
As the head of the university administrative organization, the General Secretary, which is responsible for the execution and control of all kinds of administrative duties to the Rector's Office, performs its duties in line with the relevant laws and regulations, and the decisions of the board of directors and the Senate by ensuring that the units in the university administrative organization work efficiently, regularly and harmoniously.
Our mission is to ensure that all administrative organizations of the University work effectively, efficiently, regularly and harmoniously, to be the reporter of the University Administrative Board and Senate, and to establish a modern performance management by providing communication with internal and external stakeholders.
Our vision is to be sensitive to the demands of academic and administrative staff, to achieve the targeted institutionalization by establishing a participatory, transparent and accountable administrative management system that enhances the institutional culture.
Authority, Duties and Responsibilities
The General Secretariat is a management organization established according to the Higher Education Law No. 2547 and the Decree Law No. 124 on the Higher Education Upper Organizations and the Administrative Organization of Higher Education Institutions. The General Secretariat at our university consists of a general secretary, an assistant general secretary and affiliated units. The Secretary General is the head of the university administrative organization and is responsible to the Rector for the work of this organization. Pursuant to the Article 27 of the Decree Law No. 124, the Secretary General performs the following duties through the units affiliated to him in addition to his duties as the head of the university administrative organization: